Friday, 20 September 2013

My journey of becoming a teacher- in school observations

After a day of observations within Bath Community Academy (BCA) my teaching philosophy has expanded and my whole outlook on teaching PE has been strengthened. The PE department have adopted a very innovative teaching style and have changed their focuses within their lessons. Myself and the other trainee were asked to complete a task: we were given 40 cards displaying various physical, personal and sport specific skills, we then had to select the 10 that we thought were the biggest conventions of a successful athlete. After this process we then were asked 'which of these are your focuses in your lessons?' The fact was that none of the selected cards were skill based/ sport specific skills. We were then shown a model that the school use during PE lessons (pictures attached) this model contains 6 qualities the school believe students can posses in order to make them 'good' at PE, it was reiterated that the student doesn't need to be 'good' at kicking a ball to be 'good' at PE, they can exceed in another area which equally makes them 'good' at PE.It was compared with a 'cog system', all cogs combine to make the wheel go round. The learning objectives used within the lesson therefore have a main focus upon the 'cogs' through the use of an activity. For example a lesson in the gym,  the students were given the objectives to: set independent targets and to work independently to reach these targets. 

It's my task as a trainee teacher to adopt the magpie approach and start collecting theory's and experiences and build on my personal teaching philosophy.
The 10 chosen key skills needed for a successful athlete.

The 6 PE learning cogs focused upon in lessons.

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